Logos By The Sea

Logos By The Sea

Thursday, 15 October 2015

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the stone is rolled away
And we let go of the notion

that we are not lovable…

When we see ourselves as creations
Knitted together by the Creator

In mother's wombs & father's dreams

When we let go and allow ourselves

To love what the Creator has created
Our strength and vulnerability...

When we dare to reach out

And touch the hem of the garment
Brave enough to ask for what we need…

When we place our hands

Alongside the hands of angels

And roll the stone away…

Perhaps the tombs of our fear will open

To a rushing in of the breath of Sophia

And dry bones will be filled with new life…

Oooh, to be willing participants

In our own emancipation!

Oooh, to risk coming fully alive!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

A Mother's Reminder

Parting the Red Sea's not so hard
You just gotta keep moving forward like Moses
And it doesn't matter if you march, dance, stagger, crawl, or run...
Hell, stumble and roll if you have to
Just always keep moving forward
Smell that
Open your mouth and taste it
You know what that is? It's the Winds of Change
Don't you ever forget that smell, that taste
Remember it, and when it comes you go with it
Keep moving forward

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Singing my Soul to the ocean

Slowing down
Slowing down
Slowing down


Into the Day
Into the Gift
Into the Promise

Open myself to the sky
Merge my breath with the winds
Offer up my shoulders to the Sun for a warm kiss


Letting the weightiness of unanswered questions take flight on the wings of the seagull

Loosening my grip
Opening up my hands


My flesh and my bones into the sand of my earthiness
Ooooh this beautiful, soft dance of giving and receiving

Letting salt water's rise and fall, cleanse and  reveal the treasure
Of a heart vulnerable but willing

To forgive
To love
To be Joy filled

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The Giving

And Spring came

And she gave of herself

To the frozen waters of her old friend

The Northumberland Strait.

Whispered words of reunion

Mingled warmly between the two

And they melted

One into the other.

Friday, 10 April 2015

The Heaviness of Loss

There is a heaviness to loss, to grief
An abundance of feelings that flood our bones
And weigh down our steps

We carry it daily
Sometimes embracing
Sometimes resenting
And still...we carry

I sit here today, my mood reflective
What can be done with this experience of loss
That seems to be so much a part of living
Do we stall? Confront? Shut down? 


Can we, instead,
Plant seeds of 'hope and mercy' deep within the loss

Can we, believe
Like the seed, that sleeps in winter, in our own resilience
And give beauty the time it needs to take root and grow

To transform the pain of loss into medicine
For ourselves, and for others


a limitless and vast keeper of the shadow and light
holding  space for abundance
holding space for loss 

Space to "Be."


Holding onto the hem
Holding on to Grace within certainty and within doubt
Trusting and breathing in, 
"We are always in the presence of God, because God surrounds us."

The below quote was borrowed from Robert (Bob) Lockhart.  
"We are always in the presence of God, because God surrounds us." - Bob Lockhart

Thursday, 9 April 2015

To All God's Mystics

You found yourself through the finding of your God

You were found in the storms of life
Storms, that one by one, uncovered and revealed your backbone

Cracking Silence

Every piece of your beautiful backbone
Now adorned in sackcloth and ash
Has found its voice and sings
Sings its songs of mourning and celebration

Beautiful songs

Alive in Nature
Carried on the wind
Announcing prodigal beginnings

Friday, 27 March 2015

I Wonder

I wonder...what is your story?


What were your moments of glory…

of the mundane…

of joy…

of sorrow…

of love…

of neglect…

of shame…

of courage…


How did you do navigating life's twists and turns...

navigating possibilities?


Did you seize them or by default let them seize you?


Where are the piles of ash that you rose triumphantly from?

Are there remnants of ash stubbornly still clinging to your shoes?


When you found that old door closed

 Is it true that there is always a window found opened wide?


I wonder...What is your story?


What are the revelations and epiphanies tucked away

  In your dresser drawers and in the folds of your heart?



Like the Tide to the Moon

Fall in love ...


I shall rise in love

Like the tide to the moon

 Sweeping up

Facing toward

Releasing all that I am

Into that sweet gravitational pull


It is time for Humankind to rise in Love. 

High time I dare say,

High tide time.

Sister Love

I bare my soul and yet ... before you 

I know

That I am safe

(Photograph taken by Wendy Metcalfe)

  Though the winds of winter howl and cut

Though hungry animals  ~within and without~ prowl and hunt

I know

That I am safe


Though my hands, feet, and mind grow cold and numb

Though I willingly sold off sacred 

For a few shiny pieces of silver

And though I placed myself beyond the light of the sun

I know

That I am safe


Though thoughts circle and whisper words unkind

Though winter tears  blind


Warm sister love kisses upon them 

Encourage me to see again

And I know

That I am safe

Thank you

This Land, This Sky

A soil so red and ripe

A womb giving

birth to trees and grass

And all manner of rooted beings

A sky of ever-changing blue

Breathy with four winds

Giving flight to whispery winged creatures

Salty water

Oceanic baptismal

Surrounding, enveloping, restoring

Cut us and all of this

Will be what flows from our veins

For we are not merely affected by this place

Whether birthed here

Or lured by Siren call

The water in our blood

Rises and falls with the tides

Creating the lilt of voice

The iron red of 'soil and sand' fill our bones

Giving grit and weightiness

 To thoughts, words and actions

The landscape of this place

Is a part of you and I

We carry it: heart, mind, body and soul

Cut us and all of this

Will be what flows from our veins

Thursday, 26 March 2015


Today the giver of names
Came riding the wind
She called my onoma 
As a prayer it fell from her lips 

Laughing she dared to me to release myself into the wind.

"Let it touch you." 
"When it tugs at you, tug it back."
"It's sniffing you to see what kind of stuff you're made of. "
"Sniff it back."
"When it licks at your face and hands. Lick it back. Taste the wind. Swallow it."
"Engage girl. Don't run. Don't hide."


Today the giver of names
Came riding the wind
She called my onoma 
As a prayer it fell from her lips 

Today I Lift Up

Today I lift up and give thanks for the element Fire

Of Fire of sun and of Gaia`s core
Silently and Steadily
Bringing forth the change of Season

Of Fire of cellular burning brightly
Silently and Steadily
Birthing, dying, and regenerating
Renewing life daily in this body of mine
And in the bodies of my loved ones

Of Fire that burns in Touch and Hugs and Kisses
Silently and Steadily
Unifying me with the vulnerability of my humanness

Of Fire that radiates within my imagination
Silently and Steadily
Igniting `passion and activity`

Of Fire in the furnace and oven
Silently and Steadily
Enveloping me in a cocoon
A safe place

A place to `be broken and to heal`
A place to `break bread and share stories`
A place to `learn and grow,`
A place to `forgive and be forgiven`
A place to relearn what to love truly means

A place to just be.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

I Bow Low

I bow low to God's creations
I bow to the cold of winter rising
To the lack of sun...the lack of flourishing life

I bow to the fox and all of wilderness
To their clever determination 
To live fully as long
As there is an ounce of breath in their bodies

I bow to the rose
That struggled to hold its bloom 
Through the late November chill
To the softness of fragrant petals
To the proud vigilance of its thorns

I bow low 

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday pouring down over me
A preacher's blessing
Pancakes and hot coffee

Oh lazy Sunday
Do you know
You're exactly what I need
Oh lazy Sunday
Keep pouring your love down over me

Lazy Sunday flowing through my window
My curtains dancing
to my radio

Oh lazy Sunday
Do you know
You're the manna for my soul
Oh lazy Sunday
Keep pouring your love down over me

Keep pouring your love 


All of our Eleventh Sons

If we are fortunate there will come a day

When after having gathered enough courage

We are able to answer the knock

That only the brave heart can hear.

The knock that heralds the beginning of a journey

To find all of our eleventh sons

The banished, the beaten and the sold off parts of our past.


Exiled and left unattended in our Goshens

Did we really brush off our hands and think, “That was that”

Did we really believe we were clever enough to move

All our eleventh sons beyond the reach of God’s potent dreams,

Of God’s saving grace, and redemption?

Did we really think the God who leaves the ninety-nine for the one

Could ever forget them and their colourful sacred wholeness?


If we are fortunate there will come a day

When after having gathered enough courage

We are able to answer the knock

That only the brave heart can hear…