Logos By The Sea

Logos By The Sea

Sunday 27 March 2016

A Goose River Spiral Dance on an Easter Sunday

We gathered at the river’s edge before an Eastern sky alive with an awakening promise

Inviting the curiosity of wild geese gliding on a river pink with the sky’s reflection
A softly clucking commotion that somehow, beyond explanation
Connected with us as brothers and sisters of Creation
And joined in with the Easter Sunrise Worship
Ice and the March air's bite could not restrain our collective joy

“He is Risen!”

Wild geese lined up
(It was now our turn to be curious)
None of us had ever seen such a thing before
And then, one behind the other
They glide, softly murmuring, and turning inward creating the most beautiful spiral dance
Our beautiful call to worship

Tuesday 15 March 2016

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the stone is rolled away
And we let go of the notion
That we are not lovable…
When we see ourselves as creations
Knitted together by the Creator
In mother's wombs & father's dreams…
When we let go and allow ourselves
To love what the Creator has created
Our strength and vulnerability...
When we dare to reach out
And touch the hem of the garment
Brave enough to ask for what we need…
When we place our hands
Alongside the hands of angels
And roll the stone away…
Perhaps the tombs of our fear will open
To a rushing in of the breath of Sophia
And dry bones will be filled with new life…
Oooh, to be willing participants
In our own emancipation!
Oooh, to risk coming fully alive!