Logos By The Sea

Logos By The Sea

Thursday, 15 October 2015

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the stone is rolled away
And we let go of the notion

that we are not lovable…

When we see ourselves as creations
Knitted together by the Creator

In mother's wombs & father's dreams

When we let go and allow ourselves

To love what the Creator has created
Our strength and vulnerability...

When we dare to reach out

And touch the hem of the garment
Brave enough to ask for what we need…

When we place our hands

Alongside the hands of angels

And roll the stone away…

Perhaps the tombs of our fear will open

To a rushing in of the breath of Sophia

And dry bones will be filled with new life…

Oooh, to be willing participants

In our own emancipation!

Oooh, to risk coming fully alive!