Logos By The Sea

Logos By The Sea

Thursday, 17 November 2016

The Unfolding of a Story

When we get to unfold the pages of our story with someone who remains by our side and does not run from the magnitude of it.

And when we get to see our story through the honest and compassionate eyes of another, an illumination takes place that validates us and lights up the corners and edges of our stories. The chapters in our life-stories no longer remain fixed. An intimacy is invoked and Ruah enters in bringing the breath of life animating the space and the meaning in and between the lines.

Old paragraphs, verses, and lines start to breathe again and there is an expansion and a softening in our hearts that allows for seeds of a new perspective to be planted.

 An internal gestation takes place and our stories become pregnant with new meaning and hope. They light the way to a deeper understanding of our meaning and purpose.

Porous Creatures

Earlier this year Jim surprised me with an ancestry.ca dna kit and signed me up for an ancestry.ca account. With a spirit of adventure and with much anticipation I sat at the computer and logged into my account for the first time.

Since the Howatt family tree had already been charted, I had decided to explore my mother's side of the family (MacDonald) first. It amazed me how quickly I was led to my maternal grandparent's information and to my mother's name simply by adding the area where my mother had been born. 

However, I discovered her name had been abbreviated to "Marg" and my immediate excitement shifted to annoyance. My mother called us by our full names, so it was important to me that her full name, Marguerite Alexandra, should be reclaimed.

New to the site I looked for ways to edit information, to restore the fullness of my mothers name, but being new to the site I couldn't find an edit option, so I made a conscious decision to put in my own information and come back to it the following day. So I entered my name and current address, and then clicked back to review the page containing my maternal grandparents, and my mother's and her siblings information before closing.


I was surprised to see my mother's name was no longer Marg, but now was listed as Marguerite.
I don't know how the site's technology allows for such shifts of subtle (not so subtle to my heart) changes and I don't need to know. My focus is on another shift that started unfolding in that moment...a deeper awareness of our potency and how our actions, even small ones, can affect another.

As I unfolded my story, so to was my mother's story affected. Marguerite's Story.

The Mi'kmaq believe that as we heal our lives, we heal the lives of our ancestors seven generations back and we also help heal future generations to come.

And that belief now envelops me with a more personal and deeper meaning.

As porous creatures, each of us an assemblage of over one hundred trillion cells, it is our nature to be affected, to affect and to respond. And although not all of life's situations and occurrences are of our choosing, we do get to choose how we respond: if we are reactionary, or if we move prayerfully and thoughtfully...aware of ourselves, aware of others, and alive to the fullness our choices.

Monday, 11 July 2016

You ask, "What is the Wind?" - A Bedtime Story

You ask,

“What is the Wind?”

Oh, that is the breath of sisters

Moving across space and time

Traveling through the trees

And moving among the hearts of all creatures.

That is Gaia setting loose her silver hair

Each strand, setting loose

A shining constellation of stars

Shining brightly to let her sister, Luna know

The day is done.

You ask,

“What is the Wind?”

That is Luna.

Hearing her sister, Gaia

She climbs Jacob's Ladder

With her skirt swirling

Steadily she moves closer

Rung by rung

Rising to embrace

To kiss the face

Of her dear sister.

On this evening

As on every evening

Since the beginning of time

These two sisters come together

To sip from the Milky Way

And whisper stories of their time spent apart.

Monday, 2 May 2016


They sit in the quiet of daybreak
Inhaling the light and heat of the first slivers of sunlight

Filling lungs

Expanding belly

Holding the light, and the heat 
As it travels though veins coursing through the fullness of body ~ seeking and inflaming the Smoldering embers of soul

Next the exhalation

Releasing of all the toxins, tensions, anxiety, and the muddle from muscle, tendon, and bone ...

And FIRE builds in the belly

A delicious warmth that

Swirls and Swells and Spreads and Remembers

 A fire that co-creates and blesses
The fire and passion that reclaims space for all of creation within Creation's story

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

These Earthly Blessings

Ostara took these things very seriously
She knew the depth of their nobility
The truth that they held within their beauty; the healing, and the transformative

These Earthly blessings
The lengthening of days
The caws of the Sentry Crows
The pussywillows brave and soft
The coastal waters freeing themselves of ice, their salted waves rising up to lick the face of the moon
Ahhhhhhh The medicines of the Earth.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Yanking Hard

Her Inner-Child called out and yanked hard
On the Courage they shared

"Talk to me! Listen to me! Please!"

Their Bear-Heart, caught in the middle, dug in
Refusing to budge until the Child was heard

The Road of the Four Tall Brothers

Four seasons came riding
One by one
Each in its own time
Each in its own rhythm and cadence
Each harnessing the four winds 
Carrying the music of their appointed days in saddle bags

Four brothers stood tall
One by one
Each a noble prophet 
Preparing for feast of reunion
Each watching over its sacred direction
Each vigilant for the sound of whooshing hooves approaching 

Sunday, 27 March 2016

A Goose River Spiral Dance on an Easter Sunday

We gathered at the river’s edge before an Eastern sky alive with an awakening promise

Inviting the curiosity of wild geese gliding on a river pink with the sky’s reflection
A softly clucking commotion that somehow, beyond explanation
Connected with us as brothers and sisters of Creation
And joined in with the Easter Sunrise Worship
Ice and the March air's bite could not restrain our collective joy

“He is Risen!”

Wild geese lined up
(It was now our turn to be curious)
None of us had ever seen such a thing before
And then, one behind the other
They glide, softly murmuring, and turning inward creating the most beautiful spiral dance
Our beautiful call to worship

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

When the Stone is Rolled Away

When the stone is rolled away
And we let go of the notion
That we are not lovable…
When we see ourselves as creations
Knitted together by the Creator
In mother's wombs & father's dreams…
When we let go and allow ourselves
To love what the Creator has created
Our strength and vulnerability...
When we dare to reach out
And touch the hem of the garment
Brave enough to ask for what we need…
When we place our hands
Alongside the hands of angels
And roll the stone away…
Perhaps the tombs of our fear will open
To a rushing in of the breath of Sophia
And dry bones will be filled with new life…
Oooh, to be willing participants
In our own emancipation!
Oooh, to risk coming fully alive!