Logos By The Sea

Logos By The Sea

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

These Earthly Blessings

Ostara took these things very seriously
She knew the depth of their nobility
The truth that they held within their beauty; the healing, and the transformative

These Earthly blessings
The lengthening of days
The caws of the Sentry Crows
The pussywillows brave and soft
The coastal waters freeing themselves of ice, their salted waves rising up to lick the face of the moon
Ahhhhhhh The medicines of the Earth.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Yanking Hard

Her Inner-Child called out and yanked hard
On the Courage they shared

"Talk to me! Listen to me! Please!"

Their Bear-Heart, caught in the middle, dug in
Refusing to budge until the Child was heard

The Road of the Four Tall Brothers

Four seasons came riding
One by one
Each in its own time
Each in its own rhythm and cadence
Each harnessing the four winds 
Carrying the music of their appointed days in saddle bags

Four brothers stood tall
One by one
Each a noble prophet 
Preparing for feast of reunion
Each watching over its sacred direction
Each vigilant for the sound of whooshing hooves approaching